Monday, 15 December 2008

Greetings... at last!

Where does the time go?! It's been many weeks now since my last blog post and to be honest, it's been a whirlwind these last few weeks. Having 2 boys has certainly kept us busy, leaving us with less "free" time, though I'm now learning to make the most of any time I have while the boys are sleeping or otherwise occupied, to get things done and sneak time on the net. It is a bit of a juggling act, but we are getting used to the busyness and I'm hoping this will help me lose those last few kilos, running around and being busy.

The silly season is aptly named... this time of year is always so busy - what with kids parties and Christmas parties of sorts, we have had more than a month now of busy weekends which have been lots of fun, but somewhat exhausting, leaving us feeling rather lack lustre on a monday. Fortunately things look to be a little bit quieter this next week, before Christmas, giving us time to catch our breath before the festivities start again. We can hardly complain, as being busy is pretty much self-inflicted, but it's all part of celebrating the holiday season. I have to say, having interrupted sleep makes one feel a bit zombi-ish as it catches up with us eventually when we are on the go, but again, it's all part and parcel of having a baby.

Kyle is such a treasure - a content baby who sleeps and feeds well, and who is also quite a sociable baby, not wanting to miss out on anything so we are having to keep him entertained quite often, but it's also so rewarding as he's coo-ing and smiling so much now - a little person who knows what he wants in life, already! Jordy just loves his brother, which is so precious, and Kyle responds with a smile every time he sees Jordy. So cute! I've managed to get a few cute pics of the boys together, but wanting to capture the essence of a 'happy family, we decided to have some photos taken professionally, which I am posting on the blog now. These photos were taken 3 weeks ago.

Jordy is well and loving being on holiday and enjoying it even more when it's not raining as we've had such wet and damp weather, punctuated maybe once a week with a hot sunny day, until just recently when we started having really hot weather more regularly which has been great. Let's hope we have more warm and sunny days from hereon.

We will be home for Christmas, spending time with my folks, as well as Kirsty, Jason and Anna which will be nice, since the Springetts leave for Langebaan on 5 January '09 to spend 2 years there which is sad, but also a great opportunity for them.

We know many friends are away for Christmas, so it goes without saying that we hope you have safe travels and a great holiday, with special time enjoyed with those nearest and dearest. We will post an entry again before Christmas, but for those who won't be online, have a blessed Christmas and may the new year be all you wish for!

God Bless
Lots of love
The Biddles

Thursday, 23 October 2008

Greetings from the Biddle Clan

Well, here we are, just ten days after our second precious little son, Kyle, entered the world and whom we absolutely adore, and I have to say that we are really enjoying being a family of 4 - albeit a bit hectic, but it's to be expected and part of the fun. Somehow our family feels more complete now too. Asked by my obstetrician, more tongue-in-cheek at this stage, if we'll have any more kids, I have to say, it would be tempting, especially as we've been blessed to have 2 content babies to date, but right now we are focussing on the family we do have and are enjoying special times together, but also, from the cost point of view, I think it's probably wise to only have 2 kids these days, sadly.

Another caesarian was in order for me which was the decision taken last monday at my check-up and scan, since Kyle didn't want to be born naturally. Given that he was a posterior presenting baby which would have made natural delivery tricky and risky at that, we also discovered while I was on the operating table, that he had his cord around his neck which was another good reason for the caesar, which I was more than happy to have, given the complications that may have ensued if I'd gone into labour. While we half prepared for having a caesar on the 13th if necessary, I guess we still thought it might be later in the week, so when it became clear that we'd be able to have the caesar later that same day, it seemed to make perfect sense. It was only when driving back to the hospital an hour later, after doing the necessary admin, then dashing home to fetch our bags before returning, that it hit me we were going to have our baby in a few hours and I'll be honest, my emotions took over for a brief spell, but then the excitement of it all made me all the more happy that it was happening. What was supposed to be a 3.30pm caesar, ended up being an hour later, with Kyle being born at 16.58pm on the 13th October. The op went well and despite feeling terrible nausea at one point during the op, and issuing a rather anxious request to the anaethetist for something to be added to my drip which he did, I have to say it was a very happy and positive birth experience. The spinal block numbed me from the waist down for a few hours thereafter, but boy oh boy, when the feeling came back to my lower regions, the pain from the cut was quite intense and for this I was given a cyclomorph jab for pain which I didn't realise would be so strong as to make me drowsy for the next 24 hours, but also controlling the pain. As is routine, I stayed in hospital 3 nights and did nothing more than feed Kyle and sleep which was what I needed, and I have to say I made the most of the chance to just rest - not even managing to read an article in any one of the magazines my family brought for me to read. I didn't even get near the crossword this time! Of course, my day was brightened by the visitors who came - family and friends and at least the day didn't feel so long. Before I knew it, thursday arrived and I was discharged and able to come home with Kyle, who although slightly jaundiced, it was not critical. As much as I was looking forward to going home, I think it was all quite overwhelming when we got home, as I suddenly felt I had been jolted back into the swing of things too quickly and hit a bit of a low on friday, which with the pain and discomfort, made me wish I could go back to the hospital for a few more days, but by the weekend, I was feeling much better and ready to pick up the pieces again and begin our lives together as a family of 4. I have to say, every day gets easier and now having had my stitches out, I am feeling much stronger and no longer on pain-killers which is great! It's wonderful to have more energy, though I obviously need to take it slowly and not rush around too much. It's fortunately only 2.5 weeks I have left of not being able to drive so I think I'll manage for that short space of time, being limited to being home with the odd trip out. Being independent as I am, I hate asking for family to take me places so for that reason it will be great to be 'mobile' again.

Kyle is settling into the Biddle family life really well and is so content - sleeping through most of Jordy's noise and seems to already have found a routine he's comfortable with, for feeding. I do feel a bit like a milk bar though - if asked what I do with my day, other than the odd distraction, be it baking or reading a book or spending time with Jordy, I'm feeding Kyle and changing nappies and the rest. But, I'm really not complaining - it's just an adjustment from being used to having more 'free' time, but I'm going to make the most of this time with Kyle and enjoy these special moments because they grow up so quickly.

Mark and Jordy are also really enjoying having Kyle around and the relationship that's developing between Kyle and Jordy is just too precious. Mark too loves his little boy and is quite proud that Kyle looks like him, as everybody keeps telling him - just with my dark hair. Jordy loves his little brother to bits and keeps kissing him on his head. Every morning he tells us he doesn't want to to go to school because he wants to be with Kyle, which is what we expected would happen, but we still take him and when he gets there, he's always happy to be at school and it keeps him busy which is good. Of course when he gets home, Jordy just wants to 'play' with Kyle and help me with changing nappies, bathing etc which is really sweet. I'm so relieved because while we tried to prepare him for Kyle's arrival, one never knows how it will all work out. Admittedly, Jordy is a bit more 'needy', demanding a lot more of our time and energy, but it's all normal, given that he feels he has competition and we both try to make time to do activities with him daily. Sadly, he seems to have lost interest in his swimming lessons, so we will have to give it a break until January again. Also with the weather being so miz, I can hardly blame Jordy for not wanting to go to lessons as it's always very windy or it's raining and it's not a covered pool, even though heated. If we wouldn't want to swim, I guess we can hardly expect them to want to swim in inclement weather - though I believe it toughens them up but they are still quite young and I'd hate to turn him against wanting to swim. Ce la vie.

Well, that's pretty much all the news we have right now but we will keep updating the blog with pics and news of the boys, so watch this space!

Until then, take care and stay safe!

Sahle Gahle, Tot Siens and Goodbye for now!

Lots of love
The Biddle Clan

P.S. Here are a few more pics of Kyle, taken on monday when he was a week old. We love him to bits!

Monday, 13 October 2008

House alterations.... stage 2

The new dining room extension with wall built and plastered, and waiting for the windows

The new dining room extension, to join the granny flat with the house

Inside the dining room extension before the wall came down and it was joined with the rest of the dining room

Before the wall and door was taken out...

The dining room all in one with wall down... in a state of repair

The dining room as one... looking towards the kitchen from the extension.

Lifting the horrible parque flooring in the passage...

The new dining room being tiled.

At last... a few more pics to show you the progress of our alterations. We've now had the dining room painted and blinds installed, but the lights are due to be installed this week so I will definitely take a pic of the dining room once the lights are up, to give you a better idea of the finished room. The carpets for the guest room and play room will be fitted this week and the furniture is arriving on thursday so I will be able to take photos of the completed rooms later this week... or at least... when I get back from hospital, if baby is due to arrive before I get to take the photos. So, lots happening this week and all very exciting! Watch this space for more...

Friday, 10 October 2008

Preggy Belly

Hi all

At last... I have a photo of my tummy, taken this week, which is growing rather large now and it feels like it can't stretch any more. All is still good, though I have to be honest, I'm suddenly starting to feel really tired and am almost 'dragging' myself around sometimes, but given that it's close to 'the end' of the line, I don't feel too bad feeling lazy on occasions.

The update on Baby Biddle... I had an appointment with Dr Payne on wednesday and while baby's head is still down, it's STILL posterior facing making it rather unfavourable for a natural birth and it's definitely tending more towards me having a caesar, which I am more than comfortable having for the sake of the baby and certainly when I hear what I could be faced with if I had to have natural, all I can say is... book me in and deliver! I'm ready now! But alas, I need to go back for one last scan on monday for the doctor to check baby's position, in the event it has turned and if not, we will have a caesar next week sometime. My doc is very pro natural deliveries, but is ultra competent doing caesars, but given the whole issue of the high caesarean rate in SA, most doctors it seems need to have a medically motivated reason for doing a caesar and apparently elective caesars are almost unheard of?!?! So yes, on monday we should have a clearer idea of what is to happen. We will keep you all posted once we know more - even if only a brief update on monday. Watch this space for more...

x Robs

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Update on Bidibob

Hi again everyone

You may be wondering what the latest news on Baby Biddle is.. and basically we are just going to have to be patient to see how things work out. When we saw Doc 2 weeks ago after the detailed scan, he was concerned that baby was going to be a large baby, possibly weighing 4.2kg at birth if the pregnancy were to go to full term, which is 300g more than Jordy would have been, and given that Jordy was breech and therefore a ceasarean baby, the doctor warned I might have to prepare for another caesar, which I'd be more than happy with if it's better for baby. Doc did say he'd see how the "land lies" next time we see him, based on baby's position and mobility which is still good. Our last appointment was tuesday 23rd, but still no decision has been reached. The next 2 weeks are 'critical' in terms of deciding what might be best - having a natural birth or caesar, because baby's head is still down but is in the posterior position so he'd have to turn to birth naturally. For this reason doc wants to give him this chance to see if he'll turn and possibly come out on his own if circumstances are favourable. Doc doesn't want to intervene too much, as attempting to turn the baby using the vaccuum method does not guarantee it will safely turn if it's a big baby, resulting in possible fetal distress and thereafter an emergency caesarean which I hope doesn't happen. As you might have gathered, doc is pro natural delivery and does not agree to elective caesars, but which is not a bad thing because too many gynae's are very eager to caesar to suit their lifestyles, which is a somewhat selfish. But each to their own, so yes, it's a case of 'wait and see' now these next few weeks. I will have to make sure I don't do anything to induce labour between 30th September and 5 October, as doc is away and we really don't want anybody else to deliver our baby. If we go the caesar route, it will likely happen on the 11th or 13th October, but we will keep you posted on the progress in the next 2 weeks once we know more. I'm actually not worried at all and have adopted a philosophical approach. I am only 36 weeks pregnant now so everything is happening as it should, but we are increasingly aware of the fact we are nearing that 38 week mark when baby may arrive, so the 'to-do' list is being actively pursued to ensure we get everything done before our little cherub arrives but I think things are in order so we can 'breathe a bit' now.

Watch this space for more in the next few weeks. For those of you in SA, when baby arrives, you will receive an sms from Baby City, prompted by Mark, to tell you when baby does arrive, as we have registered our sms list with them, but for those abroad, we will send an sms to let you know, as soon as we can after baby arrives. I am hoping Mark will remember how to upload photos from my camera, onto the blog, but I will give him a crash-course again in the next week or so.

Fortunately all building has been completed at home which means I can take up-to-date photos today to upload, together with the others I have, to show you what we've been up to. We have to still paint some walls and are waiting for blinds to be installed etc, but will keep updating our blog as these tasks are completed.

All is otherwise well here - Mark has bronchitis and I seem to now have laryngitis (which is not a bad thing coz it will be quieter around the place) but we will soon be on the mend and fit again. Jordy is on holiday for a week from tomorrow so will be nice to spend time with him doing activities and crafts before baby comes. We hope to get out and about with Jordy now that we don't have 'house projects' to keep us busy at home as much as we have these last few weeks. It's wonderful to have some normality again, and for me to have a break from work too!

Well, without any other news, I must dash to fetch Jordy shortly, but will post some more pics later!

Bye for now!

x Robs, Mark & Jordy

Monday, 08 September 2008

All systems go...

Well, it's been about a month since I last 'blogged' and a lot has happened since then, especially in terms of building progress at home. We've also been away to the berg, to Drak Sun Chalets with RCI timeshare, for a few days, which was really great, and a chance to recharge our batteries which we needed by then.

Some of you may know we are busy doing alterations to our home which we started in May/June and which should hopefully be complete by the end of next week (20th September - fingers crossed). I've taken quite a few photos from the initial stages of demolition and will add more in the next week as the building work comes closer to completion, but in the meantime, here are some pics of what's been going on. Just to fill you in.. we have decided to join the outbuilding (existing granny flat) with the house, but in so doing, we've made a few changes in terms of making half the area in the existing granny flat, an en-suite guestroom, with a playroom adjoining this guestroom, which then leads onto what is now an enlarged/extended dining room, so the house is all in one. Suddenly the house feels quite a bit bigger - one doesn't always realise the size of rooms until all the walls came down, and we saw this on thursday last week when the dining room 'grew'. Of course, once the building is all done, we will need to furnish and decorate the new spaces, but that we'll do once the dust has settled or rather, been swept away, and things are a bit more 'normal'. We'll have to decorate the new 'space' slowly as it all costs a lot to do, but it will give us a chance to do it the way we really want it. We're all too relieved to know that everything will be finished before baby Biddle arrives. Watch this space for more in the coming weeks when we update the pics....

The guestroom in an early state of demolition

The guest bathroom in an early state of demolition

The bathroom again...

The guestroom again...

The exterior side wall with old doors and windows... before being replaced.

Our little foreman...

Fitting the new windows...

Building a double layer wall for insulation in the guest room

The complete wall

Checking that everything is done properly...

The refurbishment of bathroom in progress...

The bathroom in progress, from another angle...

The guestroom in a state of repair...

The playroom looking a bit better too...

The new exterior wall with new window and door blocked up...

The separate granny flat and house before the building began...

Laying new pipes under the dining room extension...

Throwing the slab in the area of extension (aka large dining room)

Our happy helper... always wanting to be involved

Industrious and determined little Bob the Builder